Driving Lessons in Fleetwood
Congratulations to Richard Hearn of Fleetwood who Passed his Driving Test on the 22nd January.
Richard said he would recommend our AWARD WINNING COMPANY he has a car already and can now drive
to work without relying on public transport.
He has two lovely little girls who are going to be very proud of their daddy!
Well done from your Driving Instructor Doug Cox and all the team at Blackpool Driving School
Richard has joined the BDS wall of fame, click here for more details
[button link=”http://www.blackpooldrivingschool.co.uk/view/7″ type=”big”] Recent Passes[/button] [button link=”http://www.blackpooldrivingschool.co.uk/view/1″ type=”big” color=”red”] Website[/button]